Dr. Sebastian Meier

Sebastian Meier is the scientific director of the CityLAB Berlin, the lead data scientist at the Technologiestiftung Berlin and a guest professor for geovisualisation at HafenCity University Hamburg. He graduated in Communication, Interface Design and completed his PhD in Geoinformatics at Potsdam University. His research focus lies on data analytics and visualisation as well as human-centred perspectives on software interfaces.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are praised to be multi-purpose tools to solve all our problems. But the human role within the development of such systems is often left aside. Sebastian Meier will discuss several real life AI projects by the Technologiestiftung Berlin and how humans and machines can collaborate.
All Speakers
- Refik Anadol
- Thorsten Bauer
- Prof. Stefanie Betz
- Prof. Ina Conradi Chavez
- Mark Chavez
- Florian Dohmann
- Dan Haab
- Dr. Lily Hibberd
- Prof. Jeroen van den Hoven
- Professor J. Stephen Lansing
- Mathew Lawrence
- Prof. Jason Edward Lewis
- Roman Lipski
- Dr. Sebastian Meier
- Prof. Galina Mihaleva
- Dave Murray-Rust
- Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Jivka Ovtcharova
- Gülsel Özkan
- Dr. phil. Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Parodi
- Ludger Pfanz
- Thea Riofrancos
- Dr. Matthias Röder
- Seda Röder
- Prof. David Rolnick
- Prof. Rasa Smite
- Dr. Christoph Schneider
- Dr. Markus Schmidt
- Kathleen Schröter
- Prof. Vibeke Sorensen
- Holger Volland
- Prof. Victoria Vesna
- Prof. Charles Wang
- Yulu Wang
- Daniel Walther
- Prof. Dr. Steffen P. Walz
- Pawel Wargan
- Elizabeth Wathuti
- Prof. Dr. Marion Weissenberger-Eibl
- Wang Zhigang PH.D
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