Artificial Muse

Roman Lipski & Florian Dohmann |
Unfinished - An artificially intelligent muse for creatives

Friday 27.9.2019
Start 20:00
Place: Science Dome


Roman Lipski is a Berlin-based painter whose art is exhibited in internationally renowned museums and is represented in major collections. Together with Florian Dohmann, technologist, member of the artist collective YQP and founder of the company Birds on Mars, they are developing the first artificially intelligent muse for a creative artist. The new source of inspiration of painter Lipski not only challenges his own artistic potential, but also finds innovative approaches to expression and aesthetics in the dialogue between man and machine. The exploration of the new AI as a tool for inspiration elicited very early the desire for an "AI muse for all".
The stage installation shows the collaboration between painter and machine, similar to the work in the studio: Roman Lipski paints a live motif on canvas. The muse analyzes this and uses generative neural networks to generate real-time interpretations of his work, opening up new perspectives on his creative work. The digitally generated images appear on the projection screen - visible to Lipski and the audience.
Thus, the audience experiences the artistic dialogue between painter and artificially intelligent muse. Roman Lipski and Florian Dohmann explain the concept and function of the muse during the painting session. They demonstrate the vision of a harmonious coexistence of man and machine and illustrate with the concrete example of how humans can use artificial intelligence in the future to expand their own creative abilities.
With contributions by Ludger Pfanz on "Artificial and Artificial Intelligence."


Roman Lipski is a Berlin-based painter. His art has been exhibited in internationally renowned museums, such as the Nagoya / Boston Museum of Fine Arts in Japan or the National Art Museum of China. His works are represented in important collections, such as the Marx Collection at Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin, the Alex Katz Foundation in New York and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. In his latest project, Unfinished, Roman Lipski, in collaboration with YQP & Birds on Mars, develops the first artificially intelligent muse for a creator. -

Florian Dohmann is a computer scientist, an expert in artificial intelligence, and at the same time an artist part of the collective YQP from Berlin & New York as well as founder and chief creative of the Berlin AI & consulting firm Birds on Mars.

He moves somewhere between technology, economics, art and science. Florian has helped create the artificial muse that we will hear about in the talk, and has been developing it ever since along with his colleagues from Birds on Mars and Roman Lipski. -